New pre-exposure prophylaxis (or PrEP) drug holds great promise in context of 1.3 million new HIV infections globally in the past year
TagWorld Health Organisation
Results6Promoting dignity on the streets in Mandela’s name
Providing a hot meal, something to wear and a little dignity to Cape Town’s most vulnerable, a fitting way to mark the great Madiba’s birthday
Omicron: 5 steps to avoid, 10 to take immediately
Would doctors and scientists ban travel or alcohol sales? Probably not, but they do have some ideas for combatting the newest known strain Of Covid19
U=U brings an Aids-free world into sight
Overwhelming evidence is causing a cultural shift in HIV prevention
Covid-19 recovery is a chance to improve the African food system
The African food system was broken before Covid-19. Recovery efforts should be geared towards creating a better future.
Malaria still kills 1,100 people a day
The fight against malaria, which still kills 1,100 people every day, can’t afford to lose resources to the fight against Covid-19