New pre-exposure prophylaxis (or PrEP) drug holds great promise in context of 1.3 million new HIV infections globally in the past year
CategoryHealth & Wellbeing
Results26Cassidy’s Kombucha: A fizzy little tart of a mood booster
Call off the search! Our fabulous, delicious home-made kombucha is for sale
Delight at arrival of healthcare vending machines
Condoms, sanitary pads, pregnancy tests, HIV tests and other healthcare products dispensed ‘without judgment’
Now what was I going to tell you …
Anyone who has walked into the kitchen and wondered “What the hell am I doing here” should read this
The battle of the plagues
Still, the Global Fund says, ‘the pandemic presents us with a chance to build a better, more equitable and healthier world’
Interactive map gives snapshot of vaccination rollout in Africa
Amazing map provides an easy reference of where Africa is at re Covid-19 jabs (and might just introduce many to countries they had not heard of before)
U=U brings an Aids-free world into sight
Overwhelming evidence is causing a cultural shift in HIV prevention
Learning to live with the plague
As it becomes accepted that herd immunity is not going to happen, at least not in our lifetimes, the focus turns to learning to live with Covid-19
Swimming: the fountain of youth
Apparently scientists are trying to work out what swimming’s ‘secret sauce’ is. Good luck to them because magic usually defies description
Vaccines for the homeless!
While many of those who are entitled to the Covid-19 vaccination uhm and aah about whether they should take it or not, many thousands of people
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