Could the ratings clouds over South Africa be clearing?
TagClassic Business
Results6Financing the energy transition (show me the money, Cop27)
Some thoughts on how we will pay the bill (estimated at ‘somewhere around $1.6-3.8 trillion annually between 2016 and 2050’)
The Big British Blowout
TBH in SA and other emerging markets we are quite familiar with acts of fiscal indiscipline being quickly punished by the markets
‘Revenge of the Fed’ meets loadshedding
Not The Daily News: What do rising inflation and rates mean for investors
SA ‘the poster-child of energy transition’
If we can solve these problems here we can solve them just about anywhere … all eyes on Mzansi
Not the daily news (but much better for investors)
‘Not The Daily News’ is a new weekly radio insert with Michael Avery, Classic Business and 10X Investments that avoids the noise and focuses on what investors actually need to know