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Food gardens at schools to feed the body and the mind

Bringing South Africa one step closer to being a nation that feeds itself, Kgalema Motlanthe this Wednesday will be at Jules High School in Jeppestown, Johannesburg, to showcase greenhouse food tunnels installed at the school by the foundation that bears his name.

The tunnels are a “curriculum-enhancing programme to supplement the feeding schemes of schools in need, and offer exposure and hands-on experience to the youth”. Bravo!

Spearheaded by Mrs Gugu Motlanthe, the foundation’s Food Security Programme is a hydroponic and traditional crop producing initiative, established at institutions of learning.

The foundation said in a statement that the greenhouse food tunnels are erected and maintained for learners and educators to grow food, as well as to gain practical experience of the agricultural cycle and key skills involved, including hydroponic planting.

The Kgalema Motlanthe Foundation was founded by former president Motlanthe “with a vision to incorporate the values of cohesion, collaboration and innovation through dialogue among equals to contribute to the socio-economic development agenda of the people of South Africa”.

Now how to get our schools on the list …

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