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Local is lekker at Lazari

Oat, cow, almond milk … you choose

It is not for nothing that Lazari remains so loved by Vredehoek, Devil’s Peak, Gardens, Tamboerskloof, Oranjezicht and etc gastronomes. Great coffee and a thoughtful menu that combines delicious wholesome luxury with choice, kindness and consciousness.

If Lazari were to need a a tombstone it would say Delicious. Decadent. Thoughtful. Loved. But it won’t because Lazari is here to stay. Cafés come and go in Cape Town at a terrifying speed, but Lazari was here long before the plague and possibly the rinderpest, too. This beloved local cafe is still going very strong.

Long live Lazari!

And after your coffee/breakfast/lunch pop into the lovely little pop-up gift shop shop next door in Maynard Street, (just off the corner of Vredehoek Avenue).

Flower frog

You will find all sorts of beautiful, locally-made, environmentally friendly products (typically Capetonian/Bohemian loveliness).

I was made so welcome to just browse. You might want to spoil yourself with a little mood aroma travel stick or some gorgeous clothes from Pure Solid 13 or a little flower-frog. I had not heard of these before but what a lovely way to showcase those 3 or 4 protea stems you can afford from the flower-seller.

If anyone knows the name of the shop or the potter who made the frogs please write and tell us and we will add the info.

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