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Tata is dead: we must grow up

ImageIn his death, as in his life, it seems hardly a soul was left untouched. The days after Nelson Mandela’s passing have been filled with sadness and thankfulness. Most of us felt so blessed to have lived in his time, to have this giant of a man live amongst us.

But Tata is gone; we must grow up.

As long as Madiba was alive, South Africans were confident that he was still somehow in charge. He certainly seemed to have a direct line to God.

ImageHe was the new South Africa’s parent, the rainbow nation’s ever-present Tata. We didn’t really have to grow up as long as he was around.

ImageHis absence should allow tens of thousands of people to question their allegiance to the ANC. The liberation party that has never made the transition to political party can surely now be questioned for what it is.

All may be fair in love and war, but that fight has been won. We have had enough government by guerrilla. It might not feel like it, but this is peace time, a time for honorable men and women to serve their people, rather than themselves.

The moment the giant and the genius crossed over will also hopefully be the moment the ANC was no longer a liberation movement, but a political party.

ImageA political party must deliver on a different mandate. Where are our leaders?


Step forward Jacob Zuma …

Hmmm maybe not.

Mamphela? Helen? Lindiwe?

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