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Will your retirement savings last as long as you do?

For some people moving into retirement means that all their concerns disappear as if by magic; for the rest of us there is a great new downloadable e-book from 10X Investments: How to make your retirement savings last.

The e-book is designed to help South Africans decide what to do with their retirement fund savings. It details the different options at retirement as well as outlining associated risks and benefits.

Moving into the dissaving phase in life – spending more than you earn – is a big change. There is an instinctive fear of consuming capital and the prospect of a diminishing lifestyle in later years. These fears can be allayed by some well-informed decisions. This document will help to inform those decisions, by addressing questions such as:

• What are my options?

• How much of my savings should I take as cash?

• What type of annuity (if any) should I purchase with the balance?

• How much income can I safely draw from my savings?

• What is the optimal way to invest my savings post-retirement?

• What can I do to improve my situation?

it can all be very daunting. With so many big decisions to make and very probably a lot of jargon to deal with, it’s only natural to feel a little overwhelmed. People approaching retirement should download the e-book to get to grips with all the basics, as well to get as a clear picture of their options at retirement and afterwards.

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